Genetic Genealogy Assistance

  1. Assessing crypt/mausoleum remains
  2. Consultation on genealogical research projects involving human remains (approach, necessary funding and licensing, etc.)
  3. Collaboration on research projects with focus on public dissemination and scientific publication

Past Projects

I was involved in an interesting innovative DNA project which tries to shed light on a prominent Anglo-Irish family name: Barry.

My part in the project was to apply for licenses to access mausoleum/crypt remains in Ireland, conduct a forensic analysis to identify the possible age-at-death, biological sex, ancestry/ethnicity and other traits such as stature and any pathologies/trauma.

After this initial non-destructive analysis I removed bone/tooth samples according to forensic protocol for DNA analysis, radiocarbon dating and stable isotope analysis for reconstruction of the the geographical origin of the individual as well as identifying the main food sources ingested by the deceased.

Details on this project can be found on the Earls of Barrymore DNA Project website: